To find a nominee for this week's Food Photo Friday, I asked some friends on Twitter if they had any suggestions. The nomination I got was from kimmunro. Kim nominated a picture from her blog, Strawberry Ginger, a blog that is one part cooking, one part memoir.
The picture comes from a post on Nutella Stuffed Chocolate Cookies and the final products look fluffy and decadent. Kim does something really fun with her step-by-step pictures; she puts then a slideshow. When I first started writing my blog, I debated a long time about how to incorporate the recipe pictures in a way that wasn't cumbersome or that made the post too long. I went with YouTube videos, but I really like Kim's solution. You can click along at your own pace and see the story of the food unfold picture by picture.
The picture below was my favorite from the Nutella Stuffed Chocolate Cookies series. I liked the play of the rack lines and round cookies as well as the soft background against the dark cookies.
Thanks, Kim, for nominating and sharing your picture with me.
The picture below was my favorite from the Nutella Stuffed Chocolate Cookies series. I liked the play of the rack lines and round cookies as well as the soft background against the dark cookies.

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