The picture I wanted to feature is one from her post called, "Friend Thanksgiving," a post about having a potluck with her graduate school friends. Although there is a very tantalizing picture of roasting birds, the picture I chose features my favorite vegetable, Brussels sprouts. What struck me about the picture, in addition to the rows of little green heads, was the use of focus and pattern. In a lot of food photos, the pattern comes so much from the table and the fabrics brought in the table decoration. In this picture, I liked how a sense of pattern and texture just comes from having so many little Brussels sprouts laid out on the pan. Plus, the focus gives such a interesting sense of detail and scope to make those little vegetables with the bad reputation look a little more epic.
As always, if there is s a food photo you would like to nominate, leave a note in the comment section or send me an email ( with a link.
Thanks to Anne for letting me feature her picture!

Thanks for featuring me! I'm honored. :)